ANDE Conference: Unlocking big ideas for small business


ANDE Conference: Unlocking big ideas for small business

SEPTEMBER 06, 2024


Thought leaders, innovators, and change-makers in entrepreneurship and economic development from around the world will gather at the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) 2024 Conference in Bangkok, Thailand from Tuesday, September 10 to Thursday, September 12. Let’s come together to celebrate ANDE’s 15th anniversary to share our big ideas and collectively shape the future of entrepreneurship. ANDE will gather at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel & Towers for the multi-day event.



We are delighted to host the ANDE Global Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2024," said Devin Chesney, Interim Executive Director, Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE). “As it celebrates its 15th anniversary, ANDE remains in a strong position to deliver its global mission. Its regional chapters across Latin America, Africa, and Asia remain vibrant and are led by extraordinary leaders.”

This year’s conference will explore three key themes:

  • Climate Action: Explore green value chains and innovative financing to drive sustainability.
  • Digital Transformation: Leverage tech to boost financial inclusion and business growth.
  • Gender Equality: Implement strategies to empower women entrepreneurs and close the finance gap.
  • Inclusive Innovation: Build an ecosystem where every entrepreneur thrives.

Some Highlights of the Conference include a small sample of the sessions and conducted by ANDE members as presented in the event’s agenda:

Tuesday, September 10

Welcoming Remarks

9:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Ballroom 2-3
Description: Kick-start the conference with opening comments to set the tone for an enriching and productive conference experience.into corporate procurement practices.
Speaker: Devin Chesney, Interim Executive Director, Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE).

Unlocking Supply Chain Diversity: Empowering Small Businesses for Global Impact

10:05 AM – 10:15 AM
Ballroom 2-3
Description: FUNDES will present innovative approaches to addressing the lack of diversity in global supply chains. Through engaging success stories and compelling data, attendees will gain insights into the transformative power of diverse small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) into corporate procurement practices.
Speaker: Elfid Torres, FUNDES, CEO

The Secret Small and Growing Business Climate Innovators - Sheltertech

9:55 AM – 10:05 AM
Ballroom 2-3
Description: Small and growing businesses (SGBs) are playing a crucial role in creating tools for low-income families to adapt their homes to the extreme weather conditions that come with climate change. This is an urgent theme for business development services to support.
Speaker: Nihar Agarwal, Green Banana, Founder

Wednesday, September 11

Entrepreneur Fireside Cha

9:45 am – 10:30 am
Ballroom 2-3
Description: ANDE's Interim Executive Director, Devin Chesney, will host a conversation with successful entrepreneur Michael Chen, Chief Executive Officer of Buzzebees, to discuss Michael's journey, including the challenges they faced and their success stories.
Speaker: Michael Chen, Chief Executive Officer, Buzzebees

Empowering Female Entrepreneurs in Africa: AI, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, and the Future of Work

11:10 am – 12:40 pm
Riverside 6
Speakers: Gordon Adomdza, Associate Professor, Business Administration, Ashesi University; Margaret Jackson, Managing Partner,

Thursday, September 12

Connection Day: Meet, Mingle & Network

8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel & Towers

Closing Reception, Co-hosted with Seedstars

7:00 PM – 10:00 PM

The Grand Finale will be a spectacular reception in a surprise location to be revealed soon.

Final day is also for curated off-site excursions to discover Bangkok’s impact investment ecosystem and options can be viewed here.

Please see the full event schedule for a complete description of these sessions. Sessions are open to the press with Chatham rules in effect. All plenaries are open to the press. Media can register for press credentials. Please register here.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Lizette Olmos Godfrey
The Aspen Institute
[email protected]

Michaela Villaroman
ANDE Consultant & Communications POC in Bangkok
[email protected]

About ANDE

The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) is a global network of organizations that propel entrepreneurship in developing economies. ANDE members provide critical financial, educational, and business support services to small and growing businesses (SGBs) based on the conviction that SGBs create jobs, stimulate long-term economic growth, and produce environmental and social benefits.

As the leading global voice of the SGB sector, ANDE believes that SGBs are a powerful yet underleveraged tool in addressing social and environmental challenges. Since 2009, we have grown into a trusted network of nearly 300 collaborative members that operate in almost every developing economy. ANDE grows the body of knowledge, mobilizes resources, and connects the institutions that support the small business entrepreneurs who build inclusive prosperity in the developing world.

The Aspen Institute is a global nonprofit organization whose purpose is to ignite human potential to build understanding and create new possibilities for a better world. Founded in 1949, the Institute drives change through dialogue, leadership and action to help solve society’s greatest challenges. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and has a campus in Aspen, CO, as well as an international network of partners. For more information, visit

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