Female Founders in Emerging Markets: Fundraising Challenges & Opportunities

Seedstars Global

MARCH 22, 2022

Access to funding is one of the crucial challenges women face when entering the world of business. Multiple reports show that only around 11% of seed capital in emerging markets goes to companies with a woman in their funding team and female business owners receive on average USD 1 million less than their male counterparts. Gender equality in all areas is one of the crucial steps in achieving a peaceful society and developing full human potential.

In honor of International Women’s Month, Seedstars International Ventures organized a panel discussion with Nataly Yousef, Investment Manager at Seedstars who talked with two female founders from the Seedstars Portfolio. Simona Agolini, co-founder of QiDZ(complete female led venture), andYasaman Rajaee , co-founder of Maneki (co-female led), shared how they overcame fundraising challenges and are now running successful businesses. Nataly has also shared her knowledge from an investor’s perspective.

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