Championing Climate Tech in Africa: Seedstars Africa Ventures’ Strategic Investments in Beacon Power Services


Championing Climate Tech in Africa: Seedstars Africa Ventures’ Strategic Investments in Beacon Power Services

Seedstars Global

SEPTEMBER 17, 2024

The landscape of climate tech in Africa is evolving rapidly, with a growing focus on solutions that not only mitigate environmental impact but also drive economic growth. However, the sector faces significant hurdles, including a lack of follow-on capital and the need for long-term strategic support.



As early-stage venture capitalists, our role is to identify and scale solutions that are not only economically viable but also capable of attracting further investment from other VCs, private equity players, and impact investors.

At Seedstars Africa Ventures, our investment philosophy matches financial returns to significant climate impact. We believe investing in climate oriented companies creates value for key stakeholders: the customers, investors and quite importantly, the planet. We are dedicated to supporting African innovative solutions in tackling critical global challenges. Climate change is at the forefront of these challenges, and we are committed to supporting ventures that mitigate its effects by providing scalable and impactful solutions that have sustainable exit opportunities.

A standout example of this approach is our lead investments in Beacon Power, where we’ve been able to support long term growth with capital, co-investors, senior staff recruitments, business development and global corporate partnerships in the electricity space for to help them solve global challenges.

⚡  Beacon Power Services: Leading Access to Clean and Reliable Energy

In Africa, unreliable grid connections are a daily challenge for both consumers and businesses, disrupting essential activities and stifling economic growth. Despite the need for more reliable and renewable energy, up to 50% of grid electricity is lost in transit, leading to significant financial losses and leaving many regions with limited access to power. As a result, millions rely on polluting diesel generators or costly solar panels to meet their energy needs.

Beacon Power Services (BPS) is transforming the energy landscape by unlocking the potential of Africa’s existing grid infrastructure. Their innovative technology enhances energy efficiency and grid stability, increasing access to tariffed electricity and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. By improving grid efficiency, BPS is empowering utilities across Africa to invest in new infrastructure, making a tangible impact on the continent’s energy future.

Currently partnering with five utilities and reaching over 60 million consumers, BPS exemplifies how climate tech can deliver scalable, real-world solutions. Their approach not only drives environmental benefits but also offers strong financial returns, creating value for both utility companies and end-users. Seedstars Africa Ventures has supported BPS by securing funding over several rounds, facilitating carbon reduction calculations, and fostering major partnerships with global corporations. Additionally, we’ve helped onboard like-minded investors to fuel the next phase of growth.

Investing in Africa’s Sustainable Future

Among our other portfolio companies, our investment in Beacon Power Services underscores our belief that climate tech is not just about mitigating risks—it’s about creating opportunities. By supporting these pioneering companies, we are driving meaningful change across the continent, proving that it is possible to achieve both environmental sustainability and economic growth.

At Seedstars Africa Ventures, we are proud to support these pioneering companies and their journey towards a sustainable, greener future . As we continue to invest in groundbreaking solutions, we remain focused on creating significant environmental and economic impact.

Here’s to investing in a better, cleaner tomorrow!

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