Bringing Online Payments to the Population with 3% Credit Card Penetration | Celeste (Lupe) Solofa


Bringing Online Payments to the Population with 3% Credit Card Penetration | Celeste (Lupe) Solofa

Seedstars Global

03/17/2020 11h44

Lupe is from one of the most remote places in the world: the Pacific island of Samoa. Coming from such a beautiful and distant place comes with its own qualities and challenges. When she wanted to buy goods online for her coffee shop she realized that her bank didn’t integrate with any online payment gate. It is impossible to use services such as Stripe or PayPal with a Samoan bank account. So, she decided to take matters into her own hands and started SmartPei to solve the issue not only for herself, but also for other Samoan shops in the Samoan diaspora with the need to send money or buy goods. Lupe is just at the beginning, but she has big dreams of making the lives of Samoan business owners easier and leaving a legacy for her children.

The podcast is also available in the video format:

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